DQ Unprecedented Rescue: 10 Stranded Whales Saved Sparks Global Outpouring Of Emotion

DQ Unprecedented Rescue: 10 Stranded Whales Saved Sparks Global Outpouring Of Emotion

Rescuers are making efforts to guide stranded whales back into the ocean at Ujong Kareng beach in Aceh province, Indonesia, on November 13, 2017. An official reported…

Heart-wrenching Struggle: Resilient Elk Trapped In Rope Swing Faces Desperation For Freedom – Gripping Tale Of Perseverance Unfolds

3s “Heart-wrenching Struggle: Resilient Elk Trapped In Rope Swing Faces Desperation For Freedom – Gripping Tale Of Perseverance Unfolds.” 3s

Video Player is loading. Current Time 0:00 Duration 0:00 Remaining Time 0:00 One regular April morning, the CPW got a call from someone in Estes Park. They said they saw…

Unforgettable Bond: The Sacred First Moment Between Mother and Child.S16

Unforgettable Bond: The Sacred First Moment Between Mother and Child.S16

Sharing a birth story is like sharing a special and powerful experience. I’ve heard many stories as I get ready for my own birth, and each one…